
The things one does...

Your life might not include skydiving without a helmet or swimming nude in the Arctic Ocean.  You might not be a daredevil jumping 25 semis lined up side to side, using a tricycle powered by your legs.  You could be inactive, sedentary or asleep. Your body for the life you will live is a combination of DNA inheritance, anomalous composition of your body, as compared to someone else, other forms of use, or you might use your body differently than most people. But be aware that your body is not meant to withstand falls or impacts, punches or poisons. Even as such, it is perhaps more dangerous to do nothing, no exercise, working at a computer desk, or just sitting while watching television.

Being sedentary leads to issues that falling from a height could cause. Your muscles and bones become weak, and your heart and brain are shackled to an organic system that is no longer at peak function.

So as you are reading this, you are saying, wtf, is he selling a health drink?

The answer to that is no, I am 60 years old and my body has numerous flaws and scars.  I was never athletic, and now, while I do not regret the life I've lived, I am aware that my length of time on this planet is less than it might have been, had I followed my doctor's advice. This is not meant to be a lecture, but a notice that I have less time out of my own inaction, my sedentary existence.

I am still going to write, but I used to write as many as 80 hours a week. My back, neck, and eyesight are all poorer for that use of my waking time.

But in the last 30 days, I was made aware that four different people, 2 friends, 2 acquaintances, committed suicide. I also lost a highly valued work related friend to pancreatic cancer.  She learned she had it, and five days later was dead.  One was an especially different kind of friend, and we wrote a comic together that never reached publication for numerous reasons. But he was ready to die, and did so by his own hand.  Leaving behind 60 amazing paintings, and a 6000 sq foot home, and a life that helped me in my worst times. Cheers to you my friend, Martin!

My own health is facing true threats, and I won't go further, but I have many procedures, scans and medical events that won't be easy, fun or public knowledge.

But I will return to posting.  Just not yet.

I might say, my brother who died in December 2022 and sister in January 2022 remain embedded in my memories. And Joe Monks, my best friend, died in August of 2023 and when I go to Crypticon again in September to sell a book written with Mike, a friend and sponsor of the previous book, I'll be remembering Joe especially, and quite frankly, Martin.  Life isn't easy.  Be kind. Love one another.

This image is one that has to do with the book that is just on the verge of completion.